
HCG (Human Chorionic Gonadotropin)


HCG, also known as the pregnancy hormone, is an incredibly effective way to help your natural testosterone levels recover if you are using it post-cycle.

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Hexatech what is it?

Hexatech is a new partner with team to supply HCG. We have done extensive research on them and decided that would be a great addition to the team as it has been third party tested and went passed our strict parameters for usage.

What is HCG?

HCG, also known as the pregnancy hormone, is an incredibly effective way to help your natural testosterone levels recover if you are using it post-cycle.

Although it is a pregnancy hormone, don’t get confused. It is completely safe for men to take and does not produce estrogen in your body. In fact, the opposite occurs.

In fact, many doctors prescribe HCG to men with hypogonadism and to combat low testosterone levels and infertility. It gives the same testosterone-boosting effects but doesn’t shrink the gonads.

How does it work?

In order to discuss how HCG works, let’s break it down into its two primary usage scenarios: on-cycle and post-cycle.


  • When using Anabolic Steroids, natural testosterone production is suppressed. This rate is generally quite significant.
  • After completing a cycle of anabolic steroids, the testosterone production will start again on its own but it is a slow process.
  • HCG significantly speeds up this natural production by mimicking the Luteinizing Hormone ‘


  • When on-cyle your testosterone production will slow.
  • By using HCG you will prevent testicular atrophy by keeping the testicles full.
  • By reducing atrophy your testicles are primed to produce testosterone when you leave finish your cycle.


HCG Dosages

On-cyle dosing

  • 250 IU every 3-4 days for 1-8 Weeks

Post-cycle protection

  • 1500-4000 IU every 3-4 days for 3 Weeks


Dosage Preparation

While on cycle
1ML Bacteriostatic Water into HCG vial (that is one full insulin needle of Bacteriostatic Water).
Do not shake bottle, let it dissolve on its own or roll on the palm of your hand.
Once fully dissolved, your dosage is 10iu on the insulin needle (that is the number 10).
Dosage is taken every other day.

HCG post cycle
HCG for 20 days.
1ML of bacteriostatic water into HCG vial. That is one full insulin needle bacteriostatic water.
Do not shake bottle. let it dissolve on its own or roll on the palm of your hand.
Once dissolved take 20iu (number 20 in the insulin needle) every other day until bottle is done.


If you have any questions regarding HCG, our cycles and stacks please do not hesitate to email us at: info(at)