Lean and Clean (Men) – 10 Week Protocol
3 x Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate
2 x Equipose
2 x Anavar
1 x Aromasin
1x Sterile syringe kit
Lean and clean stack is Great stack for users looking for agressive cycle for lean gains with minimal bloat and estrogenic side effects. The user should expect a huge jump in lean mass with minimal bloating and some good vascularity.
- Enhanced Protein Synthesis, muscle growth
- Enhanced Nitrogen Retention
- Increased lean muscle mass
- Increase strength
- Increases the production and release of Insulin-Like Growth Factor
- Improved recovery
- Increased Red Blood Cell Count
- Reduced Stress Hormones (cortisol)
- Promotes sex drive, fat loss
- May even protect against heart disease.
- Increased bone density
- Increase Vascularity
- Increase in aerobic capacity
3 CC a week Testosterone Enanthate or Cypionate
2 CC a week Equipose
3 Anavar tabs a day split up evenly over the day ( start this 2 weeks into cycle )
1 Aromasin tablet 3 times a week
If you have any questions about this package or any other products email us here.
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